Wednesday, 20 August 2008

Bex got a new guitar!

Becca was given her new guitar this week. Thanks to Grandad who bought her this lovely gift, for doing so well at school ;) She is very proud of it!!

Look at my Guitar!

Fingers here....

Using the pick...

Getting a chord out!!

Suffering for your art!!


Lady divine said...


I remember I cried and got a guitar many years ago but never had time to learn how to play it!! sigh...:(

and now I'm tempted to learn.. need to find the time..:)

carrhop said...

These pics are so great--and of course, she is just beautiful--can't decide which of the shots I like the best...
Now, this will be a scrapblog, right?!? ;o)

Darwin said...

Looks very cool, and she looks so comfortable with it too :)

carrhop said...

BTW I love your label cloud--that is so fun! I hadn't noticed it before and just saw it--very cool!


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