Well i am noting the date! Friday 11 July '08 is possible my best day this year so far!
Becky and David headed off the their new schools in Alton as i headed off to
Guildford to see the fracture clinic about my hand! The MRI from last Saturday was back and apart from one minor "blip" on the scan i am "free!!" I can now carry on as normal but if it still causes pain by Oct i may need a small op to see whats going on. But for now, and the summer holidays i have two cast free hands!
I collected David from his new school, to be told how polite he is and that he had just got on with is day with no fuss at all! That's my boy! Bless him, i know he was nervous in the morning but when i got him back he loved his new class, and all the things they had got up to! Mr Williams (his new teacher) is "Great Mum", he does the best P.E lessons! So one happy kid in the bag!
we trundled along to collect Becky to see how her day at senior school had been!
She loved her lessons and her tutor, Miss Reed (who is getting married in 3 weeks - she has a huge poster in her class counting down the days!!) is really great, she is called Becky too and my Becky thinks she "rocks".
She had a great time doing science and got a merit for R.E. I
think the best bit though was when her big sis' bought her a cookie in the school canteen and all
Rachel's mates let her hang out with them. That was a highlight for her! I love my girls and how they look out for each other!
So i get home after listening to all the info and more to school reports for
Becky and David!
Becky's was awesome! I was astounded by her! Another straight A student in the house
All the teachers like her and she is a delight to be around. Everyone gets on with her. She has worked hard all year but most of all she is
likable and polite and fun to be around!
WTG Becky!
David's report made me cry! I think this year is the first time ever a teacher has really understood my son. He is getting A's and B's for his grades which i am just so proud of as he finds school a struggle at times. But his social report was the bit that sent me into floods! His teacher said he has a
mildy eccentric side to his personality that will get him a lot in life but others wont see it! He is shy, has only a few close friends but with them he has immense fun. But most telling is that he finds it really hard to fathom other kids and when that happens he withdraws like a snail into a shell. She really hit the nail on the head with him. He is bright and fun but its on his terms!!
LOLSo as you can imagine i am bursting with pride over my two youngest!
Then I open the mail! Days don't come by like this too often! :)
Rachel is being given an award on Prize Day for the most Exceptional Effort awards in her tutor group for the year. She is getting an award from her year staff and a
little bash after school on the 21st - Pizza and drinks! Then on the 23rd she is getting an award in front of the school and parents on prize day, from the Headmaster! I am equally proud of her.
My kids never cease to amaze me i am just so proud of them all.
Am off to make my head a little smaller now!