Tuesday, 10 November 2009

Forgive me, I am a bad bad blogger!

I know it feels like forever since i sat here and tapped away on the keys. It seems like a lot has happened to me, to us but i have not had the energy nor the inclination to write. I guess i lost my way in the blogging sense. For a little while i have sat here and wanted to type but nothing sprang to mind. I see a lot of you onFB and catch up or read your goings on from there. And although i may not comment i do still read your blogs! SO i guess it is time to put fingers to keys and reciprocate.
So July.. was it really that long ago that i last typed? Whats been going on here then. Crumbs. Lots!
Ok ok so you want a little more detail than that.
Let's go monthly:

July: Saw me return to work FULL time for the first time in 14 years! I am loving it! Really, really loving it! I am a receptionist at British Car Auctions Europe head office!

August: saw us on the Isle of Wight, a small island off the South coast of the UK. We spent the holiday with Richards family. Oh i got my NEW camera from my Dad! A CanonEOS 350D. I Lve it!

September: Saw David turn 10! All the kids settled back in to school well and are still happy.

October: Rae turned 14 and Becky became a teenager! Rae is doing extremely well in school and music! Becky is also doing very well. We are still having on going Epilepsy tests for Becky... (explained more in Nov!).

I am diagnosed with life threatening allergies to some fresh fruits and vegetable (but am OK if they are cooked!) So i am given epipens! It is all good fun!
Becky had a sleep deprived epilepsy test today. We stayed awake for 24 hours (not easy in the slightest!) so that she could sleep during her test! She is currently sound asleep on the sofa. Results in two weeks.

And that is a very quick run through to now!

So now i am determined to be a better blogger! I am back, keen and raring to go.

The blog is a bit sparce but i am working on refreshing it! Watch this space!
For now here are some photos of my friends new baby girl, taken with my new camera this past weekend:


Boy Mom said...

Girl, I've missed you so much. Once a week or so I would look for your blog and could never find it. Then I started going through old posts to look for the last time you commented so I could find you that way, but I just got interrupted each time before I could find a comment.


I'm so glad you're back, I'm going to look into the camera for my #2 who asked for a camera for his 17th birthday.

Much love!


miruspeg said...

Lovely to see you back blogging Gill....I thought we had lost you to Facebook!

Thanks for the update and look forward to seeing you around the blogosphere again.

Big hugs
Peggy xxxx

Pooh said...

They're really lovely, mum. :) The fourth one is my favourite. <3

Shauna said...

Hope you have a blessed and very Merry Christmas! ♥ HUGS ♥

miruspeg said...

Merry Christmas dear Gill. Hope you have a lovely day and may all your dreams come true in 2010.
Big hugs
Peggy xxxx

Roban said...

I've missed you for quite some time and didn't realize you were back.... Merry Christmas... and congratulations on the "grown-up" job. (Since I've been in a "grown-up" job since age 17 - and part-time before then - I look more keenly on the stay at home role you've had all of these years. Funny how we see the other side a little rosier...!

carrhop said...

Beautiful job, Girl! Hope your holidays were wonderful~


Debra Owen said...

Hi. Funny enough, I just got back to blogging after a 6 month hiatus. I think I just had too much going on and kind of got blogged out.

Sounds like you've had a lot going on too, and I hope that you continue to blog.

Love the pics of the baby!!


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