Wednesday, 1 October 2008

Papa Bear 1 - School 0!!

I am grinning from ear to ear today! It is finally sorted out! My wonderful husband rang the school with his "voice of authority" asking to speak to the deputy head(DH). He was told "She will call you later to tell you WHY your daughter needs anger managment!"
His reply "Okay and i will tell her why she doesn't!" (Good start OMG!)

So after speaking to the school, Rich was told that Bex spoke over the nurse and the nurse took exception to this!
He told the DH that this, while not really the correct way to behave, was certainly not reason to put her on Anger Management!
The DH then said (this is classic!!) "But we need your permission!"
To which my beloved said "Well you don't have it!"
The call was ended with the following:
DH: "But you will be pleased to know there has been no trouble today!"
HUBBY: "What no trouble at all, with Becky today?"
DH "Correct, all has been well"
HUBBY: "Well it would be, she is at home today, sick!"
I really had to laugh at that one!

Meanwhile i spoke with Bex drama coaches, old school teachers and friends, none of them think she needs anger managment!
Her old teacher said "She is just a kid who speaks her mind. While she is not a bully, she will not roll over and be a victim!"

So NO she will not have anger managment.

She is feeling much better now and over her yukky bug. She's looking forward to going back to school too and hanging with her mates!


carrhop said...

Yeah! Good One for Papa Bear!!
SO thrilled that it looks like things are diffusing--great news!

Okay, my friend, you just let me know and I can set you up with as much Sloppy Joe mix as you need--let's keep that compulsion alive!!! ;o)


Wendy said...

Round One to Papa Bear! This is a clinic on how children get labeled isn't it? My, have a semi bad day, speak your mind (rightly) and have a nurse with absolutely no people/kid skills and you have a very hurt child, very hurt and offended parents and an oblivious DH. I hope there will be a Round Two to discuss the issues that are more important...their over reaction and the principle your daughter is living by. Keep us posted.

Jen said...

Good for Papa Bear! I was laughing with the end of their converstion. I can't believe with all that is going on right now that they didn't even know that Bex wasn't at school. I think Bex is a strong young woman and it is wonderful that she won't let people walk over her (or her friends). They are always going on and on about how young ladies need more self-esteem, blah, blah, blah...and then when they are faced with one that is confident (and I am not meaning that in a bad way), the don't know how to handle it.


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